Running for a future without Alzheimer

Grace Koppenol


103% bereikt van mijn streefbedrag € 500
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Running has become my passion. I learned to run with my father many years ago. Every morning before work he used to wake me up to get ready for our run together. At that time my runs were not long. When I came to the Netherlands my running buddy was not my father anymore but my husband. I always thought running a marathon was not for me, 42 kms is too much, but my husband and his enthousiasm has brought me to my first one, and if I'm going to run one why not with a goal. 

Why running for Alzheimer? At some point in time my father stopped running... He also stopped being engaged and being himself. He was showing signs of dementia and was ultimately diagnosed with Alzheimer. 

With my run I want to give a contribution to the research and awareness of this sad sickness and with that to a future with no Alzheimer.

Would you like to help me? Thank you in advance!